Saturday, March 20, 2010

Signore Gets HBO, shouts out "Stephen Bishop" at Malarkys

Signore: "We'll climb that hill once we get to the top."

In a time-delayed speech, Coach Tony Signore told a local group of carpet-cleaners that "It's *expletive* great to see all you fries...uh...guys again." The time-delay was mandated by Emperor Ewing a few days ago, after Signore uttered a profanity as he was pulling his pants back up after realizing he wasn't wearing underware. Signore then proceeded to raise him thumb...unfortunately it was to his nose, with his fingers making a flittering motion.

"I think we're all agreed (**stage whisper: snipers ready?**) that my extreme training method of riding bicycles down-hill would be great, except for having to first riding UP those same hills. Am I right? There it is...the fries...uh...ayes have it." Signore added.

As Signore leads his teams further into the MSW tournament, he promises "We have a big surfries...uh...prise in store for Ewing and company...including his hills...uh...shills. favorite...**smarf**...ah, is that Stephen Bishop?  Objection? Noted?"

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