Sunday, February 28, 2010

Phase One Star Wars 2010 Completed on 27Feb2010

Tony Signore and Mark Ewing met at a Sports Bar in Holland, Mi on 27Feb10. Both icons went for the Club Sandwich which was on special. Both ordered deliocious mugs of PBR beer. As the groups got nominated in, it was determined that a record 8 bands were on both lists. Wilco, Alejandro Escovedo, Elvis Costello, Nick Lowe, Niko Case, Beck, Jenny Lewis and the Pretenders were listed on both. A very complicated formula was used to find out which person ended up with which group, and when the dust settled, and perhaps 5 beers later Phase One was done. Mark finished his club sandwich, Tony took a styofoam container with his remaining sandwich parts and gave them to his dogs.

"I hate styrofoam", said a disgruntled Tony Signore and one point.

Mark got these groups, and locked in their Seeds: Wilco (3), Alejandro Escovedo (5), Elvis Costello (8), Nick Lowe (12), Niko Case (20).

Tony got these groups, and locked in their Seeds: Beck (4), Jenny Liewis (8), Pretenders (14).

The top seeds are as follows: Mark one-seeds: Devo, Warren Zevon. Tony one-seeds: Golden Smog, Nora Jones. The seeds are all subject to change in Phase Two, except for the 'locked-in seeds'.

"I knew you'd have Elvis Costello high", said a defiant Tony Signore.

Next up: Phase Two: locking in each and every group in their seeds. There will be an open period here were one can cut groups and pick up new ones. Trading is allowed for this limited time. Frank has still not named his 10-seed. Ed has already named KC and the Sunshine Band as his 10-seed.

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